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nasa 1造句

nasa 1の例文  


  • NASA 1 Bypass Freeway is a freeway that passes to the south of Webster.
  • In the NASA 1 control room, mission controller Pete Knight monitored the mission with a team of engineers.
  • In the NASA 1 control room, there was no way to monitor the heading of the aircraft, so the situation was unknown to the engineers monitoring the flight.
  • Many people who do not work in Houston have jobs at the Lyndon B . Johnson Space Center four miles east on the highway named NASA 1 or at the high-tech businesses nearby.
  • :: Indeed, according to NASA 1 Venus day = 243 Earth days and 1 Venus year = 225 Earth days .-- R . Koot 22 : 53, 13 November 2005 ( UTC)
  • It's difficult to find nasa 1 in a sentence. 用nasa 1造句挺難的
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